Wednesday, 27 November 2013

My makeup collection

I have had many requests over a few months on an update on my makeup collection. So I have posted 2 videos,1 showing all my makeup collection and the other is specifically linked at my lipstick and lip products collection.

So without further avail, you can watch them below.


Cherry x

Monday, 25 November 2013


Hi guys im so very excited to let you know, I've now upgraded from the basic youtube partnership to a style haul partnership! I was emailed a request from them last week, I read through their e contract they sent me and signed it, I then today received a copy of the contract back confirming they have approved my channel!

This is great news I now will have more incentives than with youtube, I am extremely excited about this new venture I have been approached about and will speak more on it once I have properly started!

I just want to thank you all for the continuous support and interest in my videos and now my posts.

I started my channel January 2011 and have grown since then trememdously in views and subbers. If there is any requests on vids you want to see then let me know!

Love and kisses

Cherry xx

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Halloween Special Effects Makeup

So I was pretty broke this year so I decided as I do not have much money to not buy a costume. Instead I bought a few bits and bobs to create a gruesome zombie look. All i needed was some cheap halloween makeup, liquid latex, and fake blood. I been having so much fun creating all these gorey wounds and stuff im gonna start doing gruesome special effects videos on youtube. It doesnt have to be halloween you can just use these, you can use it for fun, april fools day and anything else you can think of.