Saturday, 9 May 2015

Weight loss update!

So if you follow me on social media and my other blog you will be aware that I have been on a weight loss journey since I returned home to London, well I have now left London and have been happily living in Korea for just over 3 weeks (already?!) time is flying!!! (more on my exploits in Korea here.) I can safely say this place is bloody amazing!!! I put weight back on because for 3 weeks I haven't worked out (1 week before leaving for Korea and the first two weeks in Korea). I have so far done 5 days of workouts, a day out cycling for a couple of hours and eating a Korean diet & clean eating (pretty much the same thing). I did have a binge of bad foods in the first week here, jam on toast for breakfast, chocolate at one point as there was a huge halloween pack of mini american chocolates that got devoured everyday, plus I did go out had a few beers, ate quite a hefty amount of unclean food in one sitting. But after that its been good, I'm usually eating fish and/or eggs mainly and sometimes chicken, with lots of vegetables and not even a full portion of brown rice and some wholemeal bread for breakfast. I have had my cheat days too but I don't count those as they are well needed! I've had no need to use butter or oil (not even coconut oil!) but I have yet to find coconut oil anywhere, but never fear I'm still getting my healthy fats through fish and seaweed and plain yogurt!

Moving onto the reason I'm writing this post, I have lost 3kg since my medical check which was just over a week ago which is absolute madness! I'm doing nothing crazy just eating right and exercising. I sadly don't have a pair of calipers with me and the ones I did own weren't the best, so I'm waiting to get paid so I can order a good set to keep track of my body fat. But I've been measuring and its been good results!!! I can also see in photos I don't look as chubby as I did in Thailand which is a good sign for such little time, better results than the 3 months I spent working out and TRYING to eat clean in London (carbs are my enemy). Without further ado, here's my results!

Thigh-  61cm (lost 3cm) (total lost: 3+ 3.5= 6.5cm) 
Neck- 36cm (lost 1cm) (total: 1+1= 2cm)
Forearm- 25.5cm (lost 0cm) (total: 0 + 1.5cm)
Waist- 91cm (lost 4.5cm) (total: 4.5+ 7.5= 12cm)
Chest- 109 cm (lost 1.5cm) (total:1.5+ 3.5= 5cm)
Hips- 104cm (lost 6cm) (total: 6+9= 15cm )
Arm- 38cm (+2cm) (total lost: -2cm)
Calf- 36cm (1cm) (total: 1+ 3= 4cm)

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